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Last updated
Tax settings can be updated in the Taxable tab. In this tab you can edit and update the following:
Manually call the autoswap function
Manually call the autoTaxDistribute function
Suspend taxes
Update the Sniper Penalty time
Check if a wallet address is flagged as a sniper wallet
Remove the penalty from specific wallets
Update tax percentages and beneficiary addresses
This may be required if investors are complaining of high slippage to sell tokens, because the autoswap may need to be triggered, and if the amount is high, then the slippage will increase.
Occasionally keeping yourself aware of the amount to be distributed and swapped can be beneficial for your project.
Suspending taxes will remove all taxes (except the sniper transfer and sell penalties) from your project in a single transaction, which can be beneficial on a chain like ETH where gas fees for contract management can be costly.
To suspend taxes, simply select the Suspend Taxes slider, and approve the transaction in your Web3 Wallet.
To update taxes enter the applicable information in the proper text boxes.
To update the tax beneficiary, enter the new wallet address in the Tax Beneficiary Address textbox
To update Transfer, Buy or Sell taxes, enter the new percentages in the applicable text boxes
To update the penalty (or sniper) taxes, enter the new percentages in the applicable text boxes
Each Beneficiary will need to have the address and tax values updated separately.
To manually call the autoswap or auto tax distribution functions simply select the button or the button respectively, and approve the transaction in your Web3 Wallet.
To update the penalty sniper time, enter the new penalty time in the Early Penalty Time textbox and click the button and approve the transaction in your Web3 Wallet. The maximum value for this is 600 seconds (or 10 minutes).
To check if a wallet is list in the sniper penalty list, enter the wallet address in the Address textbox and pick the button. This button will update to show or depending on whether that wallet address has been added to the penalty list.
To remove a wallet from the penalty list (understanding they will not pay the transfer or sell tax after being removed from the list), enter the wallet address in the Address textbox and pick the button.
Once all variables have been entered that you wish to update, click the button.
To renounce the Taxable function, simply select the button and approve the transaction in your Web3 Wallet, keeping in mind that once renounced, none of the variables within this function can no longer be edited.