MultiSignature Builder
The following threats are what was found during the course of the audit, along with our comments and suggestions for the users.
No High Level Risks Found!
This is amazing for ChainFactory, as our multisig contract has no high level risks, ensuring your safety and security.
No Medium Level Risks Found!
Our multisig contract has no medium level risks, further ensuring your safety and security.
No Low Level Risk Found!
Our multisig contract has no low level risks, further ensuring your safety and security.
Informational: Manager can set delegate address to vote on their behalf.
Informational: Manager can submit new proposals.
Informational: Manager can execute approved proposals.
Informational: Only managers and addresses that they delegated vote power to can vote on proposals.
Manager or their delegate can vote once.
Informational: Manager can cancel only proposals that they created.
Informational: The following functions rely on 'onlySelf' modifier which prevents them to be called by EOA and/or external contracts.
recoverERC20, recoverSepoliaETH, setQuorum, setDeadline, setTimeLimit, setManager
These informational items are built in to the multisig for the purposes of its use. Without having these features, the multisignature wallet would not work, as managers must be able to create proposals, vote on them, execute them etc.
Last updated