Staking dApp Builder
The following threats are what was found during the course of the audit, along with our comments and suggestions for the users.
No High Level Risks Found!
This is amazing for ChainFactory, as our staking contract has no high level risks, ensuring your safety and security.
No Medium Level Risks Found!
Our staking contract has no medium level risks, further ensuring your safety and security.
No Low Level Risk Found!
Our staking contract has no low level risks, further ensuring your safety and security.
Informational: Owner can open/close existing staking pools.
Informational: Owner can change existing staking pools APY.
Informational: Owner can change existing staking pools rewards claim period.
Informational: Owner can change existing pools lockup status and lockup period.
Informational: Owner can change existing staking pools reward period.
Informational: Owner can change staking pools early unstake status.
When early unstake is enabled users can unstake at any time.
Note: Early unstake taxes may apply.
Informational: Owner can change staking pools deposit, claim, compound, withdraw and early unstake taxes up to 100%.
Informational: Owner can change staking pools minimum and maximum stake amount per user.
Informational: Owner can withdraw any tokens from the contract.
When this function is present, in cases tokens sent into the contract by mistake or puposefully, contract's owner can retrieve them.
These informational items are built in to the staking for the purposes of its use. Without having these features, the staking contract would be limited to the initial inputs, and would not be able to change over time to work with project and market conditions or requests from the community.
Last updated