Factory Audits
ChainFactory submits all contract SpyWolf Network before releasing any new software! That's right, you can rest easy knowing that the code that went into all the FACTORY contracts have been audited!
Last updated
ChainFactory submits all contract SpyWolf Network before releasing any new software! That's right, you can rest easy knowing that the code that went into all the FACTORY contracts have been audited!
Last updated
ChainFactory has had SpyWolf Network review the following contracts to ensure safety and security of our code for our investors and for our platform users.
The audits yielded excellent feedback, and each audit shows we passed the majority of their analyses.
The contracts audited are:
Token Forge Tool
Proxy Controlling the Forge Tool
Multisig Wallet Builder Tool
Staking dApp Builder Tool
Vesting Scheduler
All vulnerabilities found during the course of the audit have been reviewed and completely fixed, or we have opened discussions with SpyWolf for clarification and to further discuss some of their results.