Vesting Scheduler
The following threats are what was found during the course of the audit, along with our comments and suggestions for the users.
No High Level Risks Found!
This is amazing for ChainFactory, as our staking contract has no high level risks, ensuring your safety and security.
Medium Risk: Owner can change token deposit fees without limitations.
Token fees are paid in vested tokens for each newly created vesting.
Fees are locked up and cannot be retrieved by owner at least for the tokenFeeLockDuration period.
Token fees lock duration period is 30 days and cannot be changed.
Current deposit fees are 0.25%.
This shows as a medium risk; however, it is important to structure the contract in this manner in order to allow ChainFactory to update pricing if needed, without the need to re-deploy a new dApp with new pricing. If we change the pricing after you have created your vesting, it won't affect previously created contracts, only future customers.
No Low Level Risk Found!
Our staking contract has no low level risks, further ensuring your safety and security.
Informational: Owner can withdraw ETH from the contract.
When this function is present, in cases ETH is sent to the contract by mistake or purposefully, contract's owner can retrieve it.
Informational: Owner can change deposit fee without limitations.
Deposit fees are paid in ether on each new deposit (vesting creation).
These informational items are built in to the vesting for the purposes of its use.
Last updated