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Last updated
The Pausable page deals with pausing, and resuming trading for your contract. This can be a very dangerous funtions, and should only be used with extreme caution and communication with your community to prevent unnecessecary selloffs or issues within your community. In this section you can
Pause trading on your contract (if unpaused)
Resume trading on your contract (if paused)
Renounce the Pausable function
Once the transaction has been approved on the blockchain all trading activities on your contract will be paused until you resume them.
Once the transaction has been approved on the blockchain all trading activities on your contract will resume.
Renouncing the pausable function if you have added it can help build trust within your community; however, be very sure that the contract is NOT paused when you renounce this function, or you will never be able to resume trading again.
To pause your contract select the button and approve the transaction in your Web3 Wallet.
To unpause your contract select the button and approve the transaction in your Web3 Wallet.
To renounce the pausable function, simply select and this contract function will no longer be able to be managed or changed.